Customer Service

Your satisfaction is a priority to us, and if you have any concerns, or if you'd like to let us know how awesome we're doing, we'd love to hear from you!

As always, your local Maverik Customer Service team is here to help with any outstanding issues. Feel free to contact us directly at 1-800-789-4455 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Media Requests

Are you a member of the media and would like comment on something that pertains to Maverik? Please reach out to us!

Community Inquiries

Interested in how we help the community, or looking for sponsorship information? Check out our community page for more information.

Employment Opportunities

Looking for employment at Maverik? Check out our careers pages!

Fleet Card Services

Do you have a multiple vehicles needing fuel for your business and would love to save money? Checkout our fleet card services today!

Safety Concerns

Are you aware of something at one of our stores that is a safety concern? Please let us know, so we can resolve the issue quickly.